Sue Marks - 1/18/13
The key to innovation is creating an environment where employees feel comfortable taking smart risks. So get cracking.
To succeed in the years ahead, it’s critical to have the right talent in the right roles and a culture that encourages the free flow of ideas and collaboration. The key to innovation is building a safe place in which employees feel comfortable experimenting, sharing ideas and taking smart risks.
As we begin 2013, HR leaders have the challenge — and opportunity — to create the framework needed to generate a quality, engaged workforce and support a culture of growth and innovation.
These seven steps can help HR leaders guide their approach to taking smart risks and driving growth this year:
Make innovation everyone’s job. HR professionals must be held accountable for driving innovation within their organization. HR leaders can make this an integral part of the HR job function by tying performance evaluations to HR professionals’ ability to foster innovation.
Encourage experimentation and collaboration. HR leaders should also measure and incentivize experimentation and collaboration among the broader workforce. This can be done through project and taskforce assignments, performance evaluations, reward plans or recognition programs that send a powerful signal about the importance the organization places on innovation.
Organize for innovation. HR leaders should promote the development of small, innovation project teams and use them in conjunction with training and development programs with the end goal of pushing innovation forward. Creating enterprise-level training programs can help employees gain a broader perspective of the role they play in driving innovation and change within the organization. Innovation skills that can be fostered include associating, questioning, observing, networking and experimenting.
Encourage the courage to innovate. Diverse experiences, perspectives and