Cornerstone Academy has been operating for over 10 years as a Nursery & Preschool for children between the ages of birth to 5 years. It operates within the Borough of Enfield where the population is diverse and houses 1.5 million people.
The company functions mostly by means of government funding with regards to the 2-4 years old as the company had to be relocated due to asbestos within its original premises.
The structure of the company is as follows (See appendix 1):
The Director (Supernumero) CEO
Parent/Carer Committee
The Acting Operational Manager
Preschool Teacher
Team Leader (Staff on the ground)
Nursery/Preschool Practitioners
Nursery/Preschool Asst Practitioners
Student Practitioners
Site Supervisor
1.1 Analyse the strategic direction of the organization
This type of organization’s survival is in direct competition from the following:
Therefore having a good strategic plan is vital to the survival of this company and so far it has come under several barrages of negativity which at times has relied on the staff’s good will and loyalty. Planning in terms of survival has been at the forefront of this company and the implementation of such plans has not been without challenges and these challenges have also become profound within this multicultural organisation. It has taken an coordinated effort on and across the entire organisation especially with the Director to ensure that the success of strategic plans are implemented and maintained. Not forgetting Enfield Early Years Team (Ann Mayer) who also worked closely with myself and the team of Cornerstone to address the issues and create quality for both the children and their families.
Enfield Early Years Team is responsible for what’s called ‘Quality Matters’. This is a National Strategy that promotes early years practitioners with the tools to achieve quality throughout every aspect of the provision, from management