Some students thought sixth grade was the best year for them because there was less rules, people got to know each other better and make friends, it was a smaller school, and there was only one grade at the school which meant more space. Jeira Esserman said, “6th grade was the best year because we did a lot of hands on projects and the trip was the most fun.” At the 6th grade trip we climbed with our advisory …show more content…
Four students said that they had grown in this year and had fun and matured through this year. One of the students said, “8th grade because we are becoming more mature.” I think in 8th grade lots of students had grown not only in their learning but with their personality and maturity. Six people who favored 8th grade as their favorite year said they had a lot of fun that year and that friendships grew a lot stronger with other students. One student said, “8th grade was best for me because I found my best friends and I have had lots of fun.” Some students have said that their favorite memories have been that year was going on the school trips, teachers, and camping trips. One student said “having the most wonderful friends and teachers”. Another student said, “My favorite memory from 8th grade was going on the Washington DC trip. This is because it was really fun traveling with my peers and friends. I made lots of memories and enjoyed sharing a hotel room with my closest friends.” Another student said, “My favorite memory of the year will be the last week of school because the reality of me being in high school will start to set in.”
Now that our years at DDS are drawing to a close, students are looking towards the future. Hannah Vagi said, “I am looking forward to no uniforms and to be learning new things