It is amazing how much of a difference one year can make. People I can now call my best friends, I did not even know last year or the years before. I remember our trip to the Woodlands in sixth grade. We sat around the campfire singing songs and talking till it was pitch black. That was the turning point of new friendships being discovered. This year I took a trip to Mt Lassen with my outdoor survival skills class. It was a really fun and a experience of a lifetime. When we hiked the mountain with winds, rough terrains, and when we finally reached the top, I …show more content…
I have played, volleyball, basketball, and coed soccer. Playing sports and being part of a team for a long time can really show you how much people can change, mature, and develop into a different person. It really made me closer with some of the students in my class, just by car rides, practices, and seeing competitive sides of my teammates. Coed soccer has been especially fun. Getting to interact with boys and girls all together really changed, my outlook on being a “team.” Even losing most of our games, I have found an appreciation for the quote “you can’t win everything in life.” Sports have made me have the ability to work together and never give