
A Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O Connor

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A Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O Connor
A good man is hard to find is a short story and the most vastly read stories is written by Flannery O'Connor in 1955s also this story is the most Stir. This short story about family planning a vacation. All wants to go to Florida except the grandmother wants to go to Tennessee. She told the family to not go to Florida with scary them there is a killer by named Misfit. However the son bailey, his wife, and the three children wrong her and they go to Florida. Grandmother took her cat with her, but she doesn’t tell them she hides it under her seat. The traveling was same every traveling the children play and sometime fight. Then the family stops for eating at red Sammy’s. After that grandmother starts talking with the owner about the people now they are not nice. …show more content…
Then the family back to the road. the grandmother tolled her son bailey to stop some at the old house because she remembers her house in Tennessee and that cause her upset and she confuses her son and then he loses control of the car"()" because the cat jumps on him. And they go into a trench. There are three men having gun with them get out. After that the grandmother identifies one as Misfit. The grandmother was so afraid and told the Misfit don’t her. And she tried to do nice thing and ask him why he doing that, but nothing works with him. One of them takes her son bailey and his family and shoot them. And she tried to talk with him from all religious on him. The Misfit thinks that before a family dies, he may have the all fun he can, do. "No pleasure but meanness". After that the grandmother has instant serenity and talks nicely to the Misfit in a religious way. However, he kills her. At the end he comments about how shooting people isn't enjoyment because he listened to grandmother. Flannery O’Connor uses religious views and themes especially from her own catholic faith to portray the end if a good mas is hard to find as a moment of

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