She as well bought herself some nice back heels with white diamond necklace. That night she couldn't sleep thinking about how prom was so near and who she was going with, a guy she was overly in love with, whom she’d fall face to heels with. The day of prom everything was going great,she woke up early to get ready, curled her hair and did her make up. As she passed to her girl’s house to say her goodbyes and her friends to wish her luck , she saw Carlos coming down with a blue suit sort of matching her blue dress. Her friends looked at Carlos then looked at dolly they didn't know what was going on. Carlos then looked at her and giggled making a joke, “Oh so i guess my ubers here,” they both laughed. Dolly was just there to say goodbye to her friends but she guessed Carlos needed a ride as well. Kassandra looked at Carlos and asked him, “Aren’t you going to the kick back.You have to go it’s an important meeting.That’s what The Big One said.” He responded, “No i'm not, I heard something was going to crack up.” Kassandra and the rest of klica except Dolly …show more content…
Then the spotlight was put on them. The ones handling the lights first spotted them with a blue light than a red light making a magenta color, once they added the green light there spotlight was white. They both were amazed from experiencing light source mixture to how each one looked. As Dolly’s phone kept ringing with electromagnetic waves , she didn't hear a thing because they were mixing with the electromagnetic waves of the music playing. As the night ended Carlos and Dolly were exhausted. As they went home they noticed they noticed the block empty, they went down the street the kickback was at but noticed two black cars pass, “Holy S**,” one of them exclaimed it was a drive by shooting they braked, ducked down once they were gone the quickly got of the car and went to the house the kickback was at. They noticed one of the guys,Paco, was unconscious they desperately tried getting him to stay awake but all he saw were colors dark colors of light. As Kassandra was screaming for Paco Dolly got out her phone to the paramedics but he insisted not to because he knew today’s meeting and kickback was going to bring him death and he wanted everyone to be there right before he