The style of the chosen solo is Contemporary. This needs analysis focuses on fitness components required from the dancer, whilst also specifying muscle groups targeted during this piece.
Physiological Analysis:
The solo requirements are high and many components of fitness are applied. To create improvements in weaker areas of required components of fitness, the dancer will focus on flexibility and balance, enabling her to improve both dynamic and static movements.
Boreham and Sharp (1999, p.91) define flexibility as “the range of movement of a limb segment about a joint.” Flexibility is demonstrated when the dancer performs an attitude turn with an extension of the right leg. Flexibility is required throughout and essential for movements requiring a large range of motion, such as attitudes and développés. …show more content…
Batson (2010, p.14) defines balance as “the ability to stay stable as we move within and beyond our base of support.” Balance is demonstrated when the dancer performs a triple pirouette with her right hip and knee in flexion, creating a retiré. This leaves her sole base of support as the ball of her left foot.
The triple pirouette also demonstrates strength throughout the entire core muscles as they are required to pull her up. By constantly shifting and maintaining her weight over the base of support they enable her to remain balanced. Muscle strength is defined as “the ability of a muscle to generate force. (Koutedakis, Boreham, and Sharp, 1999, p.91). Similarly, Moir (2012, p.229) defines strength as “the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to produce a force against an external