eliminating the sale of cigarettes and other drugs legal or illegal to any underage person. Violence is common in every high school, and it is mostly gang related violence.
I think that if everyone involved in violence is caught and isn't just released after a month or two in jail the violence would be reduced. Violence is present in our houses between parents, on the television, at school, on the road, everywhere we go violence can be seen. When people get related into gangs their thinking stop there and then. After that point the thinking is done by the gang leaders, when to fight, where to fight. This is something a person could avoid themselves by not even looking towards those kinds of people. The police can arrest gang leaders and people related to gangs. Some people want to get out of those things but are unable to because they can't think of a way
out. Slang is making it harder for students to pass classes because their vocabulary isn't as advanced as the teachers expect it to be. I have an understanding that chat programs, cell phones have a hand in this dilemma. People develop the habit of writing and talking in slang on chat rooms, and on phones, this causes a problem for them in school or at work. I know this because I have the same problem. I use "MSN Messenger" to communicate with all my friends and family and it creates a problem for me when writing or typing. Instead of writing "you" I sometimes write "u" which is incorrect but on the chat program anything goes. This can be fixed if the chat program is built with a spell checker that would only let u send a message if the spelling is correct. These are the reasons I think today's society is a very "powerful anti-intellectual society". This problem can be fixed if things were a little bit different. Then maybe we can truly express our thoughts instead of just letting out our prejudices and clichés.