Video games even to a young adult can be educational, Assassins Creed Synicate is a game that was published in 2015 and it is a story about a man named jacob frye and his sister evee frye. this story taked place in old britan during the indusrial revolution. During this game you actually get to see several historically accurate simulations of events in history. During the players adventures they can meet …show more content…
lots of historical figures like Charles Darwin. One would also learn about the issues in britan regarding the massive amounts of child labor, or the very large "Synicates" of gang violence. This is just one example of the many games out there that have a form of educational value.
Ever since video games were created buisness owners have been finantailly accelerated when they decided to sell video games in there stores.
Soon, large corperations began showing up only to create more video games. corperations like SEGA for instance, they have become a massive company with all of the games they have made in history. in 2003 SEGA was bought by nintendo and now many nintendo brand games have SEGA characters in them to somwhat preserve the history of video games. For example a game called Super Smash Brothers was published in january 2016. SSB is a large mashup of all the copyrighted characters owned by nintendo in one large fighting game. Sonic, Metroid, and Megaman were all 1960's SEGA created Characters repacaged and added to SSB. The game has made 20 million dollars in revenue since then. Over one hundred thousand people are currently working at ninendo and they are living very successfull lives right now because of thier
People in this world can somtimes make kids feel insignificant and worthless, but in a video game world they are powerful, people care about them, and they feel a sence of pupose and accomplishment. The worlds youth need video games in there life because video games provide the world money, jobs, education, and happeiness.