
How Society Conforms

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How Society Conforms
So you want to be known as one of the cool kids? The fact is, sometimes those cool kids arent really as cool as one may think. The quote, Our desire to conform is greater than our respect for objective facts, said by Margaret Drabble, is one that explains how the majority of society is under this pressure to be accepted. With all this pressure to belong, sometimes people lose who they really are just to fit in. In todays world people engage in certain activities that could really hurt them. Many people look over the real facts of the matter and their consequences and do things in the spare of the moment to become accepted and well like amongst a certain group of people. Its human nature to sometimes imitate what one sees. I strongly agree with the quote simply because I believe that more and more people everyday strives to be like other people instead of being themselves. People are conforming to be accepted more every day, and it is a growing problem in todays world.

High school is always going to be full of kids categorized into all sorts of cliques. In some schools there are the so called, popular kids and in many cases these popular kids usually get involved in bad things such as alcohol and drugs. The problem with this is there are other kids who want to be just like the popular kids and to do that they believe that acting like them will make them cool. So these kids start trying to talk to these popular kids and the minute they get invited to a party they know what to expect, lots of alcohol and drugs. The kids would do anything to become popular so they go to these parties and start drinking, and smoking, and many times engulf themselves with drugs. Now, all these kids know that involving themselves in activities like this is horrible for their bodies especially at the rate everything happens. They think that engaging in these activities will make them cool for now and thats all they care about. Society today needs to really start planning for their futures

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