
ACT Vs SAT Testing

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Growing up in the United States, most people have experience on college preparation tests, and so have I. There are two tests that I have done to prepare and also fulfill the prerequisite to enter Arizona State University are the SAT and the ACT. The two test are designed to measure one’s ability in mathematics, reading, and writing (ACT has an extra section on Science). However, there are large quantity of students tend to do well on only one of the two, but not usually both. The reason is that even the students with the same level of education, or placed on the same measure of ability could perform drastically different on tests. Thus, it is important for students to learn on being fair with themselves, and willing to take on different testing formats, in order to have a truer reflection of their understanding of the materials.
Although both SAT and ACT are designed to for the same purpose, to measure one’s ability to enter college level courses, and in their own right carrying the same level of validity, SAT’s reasoning test, “with questions are evidence and context-based in an effort to focus on real-world situations and multi-step problem-solving”(1) requires a different approach to the test as opposed to the content-based ACT’s “straightforward questions with long prose, but usually less difficult to
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I have never encountered a scenario, when unreliability was clearly seen; however, legibility of one’s written answer could be one of the causes for inconsistency in marking a integrative language test. A combination of both multiple-choice questions and an essay portion, similar to most of the standardized test would be the best way to make tests reliable for students, and reduce the time taken to grade them for

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