It convinced me to pursue a path in medicine, so I could learn how to work the intricacies of our internal wiring. Taking AP Psychology also opened to me the field of neurology- the foray into the complex chemistry of our brains. I found beauty in the brain’s delicate neural pathways that housed entire lifetimes of memories, and the unique ability of introspection. Along with classes, I participated in medical-oriented clubs such as Health Professionals of America, which helped me experience life in the medical field. As well as clubs, I was an active player in the Girl’s Basketball team in freshman year. I also take archery lessons to improve my dexterity and stamina, which taught me the importance of persistence for improvement. Both my family and my own interest in medicine inspired me to pursue a career path towards Biology in college. Since medicine is increasingly becoming more corporal, I chose to complete a double degree in Biology and Healthcare Management- an option that only UT Dallas
It convinced me to pursue a path in medicine, so I could learn how to work the intricacies of our internal wiring. Taking AP Psychology also opened to me the field of neurology- the foray into the complex chemistry of our brains. I found beauty in the brain’s delicate neural pathways that housed entire lifetimes of memories, and the unique ability of introspection. Along with classes, I participated in medical-oriented clubs such as Health Professionals of America, which helped me experience life in the medical field. As well as clubs, I was an active player in the Girl’s Basketball team in freshman year. I also take archery lessons to improve my dexterity and stamina, which taught me the importance of persistence for improvement. Both my family and my own interest in medicine inspired me to pursue a career path towards Biology in college. Since medicine is increasingly becoming more corporal, I chose to complete a double degree in Biology and Healthcare Management- an option that only UT Dallas