would not be with her anymore. She was a very good actress. When she lied, she made it believable. Not only she, but everyone around her. She got all the girls to do what she did, and that would make anyone believe it was true. She cried wolf. She cried wolf just to get her way. She killed people, without actually convicting any murder. She would accuse people of being witches and dancing with the devil, and then sit back and watch people do her dirty work. "He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds is much easier to do it a second and a third time to at length it become habitual" by Thomas Jefferson.
This quote could summarize this story pretty well. Abigail told one lie. Her first lie. After that, they just became a habit that she would do when she felt threatened. She would fake seeing things, and accuse people of witch craft. The more she did it the better she got at it, the more believable the lies became. Abigail told so many lies, and wanted so many people to believe them that there was no point in trying to argue with her. She would always say who she "saw"'with the devil. She would always get the girls to follow her, in anything she did. No matter how much people argued with her,told her to stop, or told the truth. People believed her. In the movie we watched her tell lies constantly, just to get John proctor. In the end, her lies are actually what killed
him. Abigail Williams was not the perfect Puritan. The Puritan life style was very strict on women. Abigail did not follow any of it. She lied, talked back, and did many thing she was not supposed to. Abigail did what she wanted, and because of that she costed many people their lives. She was a selfish woman who was only thinking about herself, and what she wanted. In the end, her lies killed what she wanted.