Verdant paints the Ables in a positive light, glorifying their lifestyle choices that benefit not only themselves, but the community as well. The cookie cutter family stays cautious of money by keeping spending at a minimum and steering clear of ATM cards. On the other hand, Verdant scrutinizes the Binges; he is disapproving of how they live as a materialistic “have to have it” family. He points out their spontaneous spending and luxuries as completely unnecessary. This reflects the distrust Verdant holds for consumerism, the potential harm that can be created by being careless, and the importance of being money conscious.
Verdant notes both families’ physical health conditions with strong concern. He dramatizes on how healthy the Ables are, speaking only of natural food from farms or home grown produce. Verdant clearly points out the Ables, who intake no chemicals, only splurge money on good food. In contrast, the Binges are said to not have time to eat healthy, therefore eat factory foods that are packed with fat. This poses the implication that health is a part of consumerism, making readers wonder which family will save more in the long run.
The author is obviously biased towards the Ables, which is proven by the fact he refers to the them by first name, but the Binges by Mr. and Mrs. He paints a clear picture of a perfectly clean house of the Ables, while he refers to the Binge’s yard as a “junkyard.” The author gives us these two scenarios, leaving readers to wonder which family has a stronger quality of life, amount of real happiness, and ability to successfully avoid economic crisis.
In The Ables vs. the Binges, Verdant’s example families