I. Multiple Choice: There are 30 multiple-choice questions worth 2 points each.
Definition of abnormality - abnormal behavior is behavior that departs from some norm and that causes harm to the individual and/or others; Experience of personal distress: advantages- hallmark of many forms of mental disorder, individuals may be able to accurately report this, limitations- some psychological problems are not associated with distress, thresholds or cutoffs for distress are not always clear
Dimensions underlying abn. - Emotions, thoughts, and behaviors associated with mental disorder are present to some degree in all of us
Normal – E: good alertness and positive emotional state, C: I’m not getting the grades I want this semester but I’ll keep trying to do my best, B: going to class and studying for the next round of tests/talking to professors Mild - E: feeling sad or down temporarily but not for long, C: I’m struggling at school this semester, I wish I could study better or I’ll fail, B: Going to class with some trouble studying/less contact with others Moderate – E: feeling sad but a strong positive experience such as a good grade could lift mood, C: these bad grades really hurt, this may set me back for a while, I’m really worried, B: skipping a few classes and feeling somewhat unmotivated to study/avoiding contact with professors and classmates Severe (less/more) – E: intense sadness most of the day with some trouble concentrating and some loss of appetite/ extreme sadness all the time with great trouble concentrating and complete loss of appetite, C: I’m so worried about these grades that my stomach hurts, I don’t know what to do/ These bad grades just show what a failure I am at everything, there no hope, I’m not doing anything today, B: skipping most classes and unable to maintain eye contact with others, strong lack of motivation/ unable to get out of bed, eat, or