As America grew larger, richer and more diverse people were trying to develop perfect places throughout America. Most utopias were created for religious purposes, One of the earliest was created by George Rapp, who took 600 followers to Pennsylvania in 1804. They attempted to create a perfect society, isolated from the rest of the world. This utopia was a failure, because of their strict …show more content…
Which one movement would have benefited Americans most? I think that the Abolitionist movement mattered more than Utopian communities throughout the United States. I think that if the founders of utopias really wanted a utopia an important step would be to abolish slavery. An important aspect of Shaker utopias was equal labor, or no slaves. If they thought that equal labor was important, why strive to create your own little place in the world where it exists instead of looking at the entire country. In my opinion, creating utopias is simply selfish. Attempting to make a perfect place for you and people who are like you instead of looking at the bigger picture doesn’t make sense, nor does it work.
In conclusion I think that the Abolitionist movement was more important to the well being of Americans than the attempt of creating Utopian communities, because abolishing slavery helps a massive group of people while developing a small community doesn’t help as many