Intro to Comp
Jay Darland
Due 12-9-13
Essay 2
Abortion can be a very heated topic in the world and there are many people who are against it. I chose to write my paper on abortion because I have very strong feelings against abortion and I think it is wrong in many ways. Abortion has cons and pros just like every other topic, but to be honest, in this topic there should not be one single person allowed to take away an innocent life. Let alone the fact that the doctors performing the surgery are assisting in a murder. To have an abortion means to terminate the pregnancy, which means to kill the baby. Tell me, do you think that is right? Do you think that God would be proud of you for committing a murder? Let me ask you …show more content…
If you put a child up for adoption at least that child will have a life and you will know that he or she is going to be well taken care of. If you take away the life that a baby could have than you are taking away all the possibilities of him or her being a successful doctor or anything they want to be. It is not anybody else’s choice to decide whether or not that baby gets to live because that is God’s decision and should only be His. People fifty years ago and farther back did not have the option of killing their unborn child just because they didn’t want it or could not afford it. When someone got pregnant back in the fifties they married the father and got jobs to support themselves. They didn’t just say oh I don’t want this baby and then killed it. Back then people actually took responsibility for their actions and made as good of a life as they could for their family. Today, people think that they can play God and decide that the baby should just die. Under no circumstances should anyone think they have the right to take a life for any reason. Adoption agencies were established so that children without families could be adopted into new families to have a better life. Also, so that expecting mothers who thought they could not take care of a child, could put their baby into an adoption home so the baby at …show more content…
If women choose to have sex then they have the responsibility to protect themselves from getting pregnant by using contraceptives. If a woman chooses not to use any contraceptives and she gets pregnant then she needs to realize that the situation is not in her control any longer. She could have tried to avoid a pregnancy but she chose not to use anything so the baby’s fate is in God’s hands. There are so many different ways to avoid getting pregnant in today’s world that there should not be an excuse to get help to not be impregnated. Women today have so many options for them but abortion is not at all a right one. Even men have options for them to avoid impregnating a woman. So as you see, there are so many different options out there that can avoid a pregnancy that there should not be as many unwanted pregnancies as there