Abortion is murder of an innocent unborn baby. It is murder at any stage in my opinion. People think that when you get pregnant, the "baby" isn’t really anything until a certain point in the pregnancy. If this is true, then what is it? Whatever it is to some people, in reality, it is a baby developing. If someone decided not to abort a pregnancy, it would turn into a human being. A person, with feelings, and sensation, and everything.
Abortion is something which kills a life. There is no difference between terminating the life of a born human and terminating the life of an unborn human being. This is because; the heart is beating in the foetus in the mother’s womb. Every being which have a pumping heart is considered as living being. So, abortion is about killing a living thing.
Furthermore, some of the people nowadays is having sexual intercourse consensually. After having sex and they found out that they are pregnant, the will immediately go and abort the baby. This is also known as killing. They know that this pregnancy will occur but they still did it just to have fun. They should at least take precaution to prevent the pregnancy and they don’t have to abort the baby.
Abortion is murder because the foetus is a living organism not a thing. Actually it is even worse than murder since the foetus cannot protect him or herself, cannot visibly express even any reaction, it is simply decided not to come into full biological existence, it is cruelly manipulated into death.
Abortion is murder. A child has a right to live; it should not be killed because his/her mother doesn't want them. Sickening that murdering babies is even legal these days! There have been many abortionists that were charged with murder. How anyone could support Planned Parenthood or stick up for abortion is far beyond my comprehension.
Abortion is definitely a murder with all those evidence above. Killing a foetus is a