Title: Abortion: Killing a Human Being
Topic: The ethics behind the practice of abortion and validating it as a murder
Specific Purpose: To inform students of the scientific procedure of abortion and paralleling it to the killing of a human being, just in vivo (during conception).
INTRODUCTION *ask class question, give disclaimer*
Attention Materials: Mention the story of a Philadelphian doctor who committed wrongful abortions. Segue into the the fetus from conception to its first few moments to the legal moments were abortion can take place (first trimester in states where it is legal). Stress that this is different from a cancer! Briefly state how the abortion process kills the fetus. Explain the physical effects on the parent(s) as well as the emotional effects that abortion is known to cause (provide statistics and remembering comparisons). Acknowledge the pro-choice argument in all facets covered as well as common pro-choice arguments, such as rape. Address the issue and conclude with how action shall be taken and what predicted statistics can occur from this change.
Thesis Statement: Abortion may be a temporary fix to a momentary problem, but permanently kills the life of an in vivo child and leaves scars on the physiological and emotional well-being of the parent.
Preview: This persuasive argument uses the objective facts, the biology of the aborted fetus, as well as post-abortion physiological and emotional trauma. This also debunks common opinions of those whom are pro-choice while acknowledging the integrity but cracks in their argument. Finally, this stresses why action must be taken now, before it is too late
I. The Biology of Fetus *Picture of Fetus* - I am focusing on the first two months, because that is when abortion in states where it is allowed, is conducted.
A. The first Day of conception (Video 1)
a. The sperm attaches to the zona pellucida, the outer layer of the cell, and is taken in by the cell. Immediately