Critical Question: Does abortion mean a woman has the right to chose?
Thesis statements: Fetus removal has been a significant debate all through mankind's history. It raises a large group of moral issues since it includes the end of a likely human life. With regards to making a decision women ought …show more content…
32,000 ladies in the United States impregnated without wanting to every year.
3. In 31 states rapists can sue the victim for Custody/visitation.
4. There are 40-50 million abortions each year in the US.
5. 125,000 abortion’s per day.
6. Today, worldwide there are 36,317,349 abortions this year iii. Arguments (Supports Thesis) a. Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest (Family relative). Half of the rapes that took place today are done by the ones that’s close to you. b. Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if she proceeds with the pregnancy such as a reproductive abnormalities, obesity, and ovarian cancer. c. Making abortions illegal could put women at risk of trying to get an illegal abortion. Which could cause women a number of health problems that may occur.
IV. Counter Arguments:
1. A women shouldn’t have to live with the fact that a baby she’s conceived is from a relative or a unknown persons. This could cause a various amount of mental health disorders.
2. It’s best a mother should live and not suffer to deliver a child that she won’t be able to care for. A deceased mother cannot provide for her child. Why go through the complications of birth when chances are slim you won’t make it due to any health