Many women get their birth control through a prescription written by their doctor. As reported by Planned Parenthood, birth control pills cost “about $0-$50 a month.” Planned Parenthood also believes in providing free birth control for those who cannot afford it. Take Charge is a leading program of Planned Parenthood, in which free reproductive services are provided based on family income. To qualify for Take Charge, one must “have income at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty level” (“Free Birth …”, pars. 1-3). Therefore, if a woman cannot afford birth control, there are several ways to receive reproductive health assistance. However, if a woman cannot afford such control options and does not meet the criteria to receive it free, she should not have sex if she does not wish to become pregnant. Possibly the most popular arguments of pro-choice is the fact of when a child is the product of rape or incest. While this is a valid argument, it is not morally right or fair to harm an innocent human life because one has been victimized. Many argue that women should not have to see their child each day and be reminded of their attacker. However, putting a sexually abused girl or woman through an abortion will just add more trauma and violence to their situation. In fact, a mother …show more content…
To start, pro-life advocates base their arguments off many factors, one being that babies are viable lives and have rights from the time of conception. As discussed earlier, the embryo, which is an organism in the earliest development stage, contains DNA in its chromosomes when it is concepted. By the fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo is rapidly growing and has now started to develop major organs, such as the heart and brain (Mayo Clinic Staff, par. 11). According to Baby Med, viability of pregnancy is based on the presence of a fetal heart beat, normally rising hCG levels, and the fact that the fetus is alive inside the womb. Baby Med also states that, typically, a hospital considers the 24th week of pregnancy to be the age of viability outside of the womb, though it is known for babies born younger than that to survive (“What Does …”, pars. 2-3). Despite the time mark that a baby can survive outside the womb, all unborn lives should be considered “viable” because as they age, the better chance they have at surviving outside the womb. Most unborn babies develop normally and will eventually develop into a healthy, viable child. Another key argument for the side of pro-life is the availability of alternative options for mothers pregnant with children they do not wish to raise. Adoption is a leading alternative for abortion. Adoption is a great option for mothers who do not want to raise their