
Abraham In Genesis And The Mosaic Covenant

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Abraham In Genesis And The Mosaic Covenant
God instructed Abraham in Genesis 15:13 that his descendants would be afflicted and enslaved in a land for 400 years. Genesis 37, Joseph’s story begins with a dream and sets the stage for Abraham’s descendants to be placed in this land, we now know as Egypt. God, who knows the future, will allow a great famine to come upon the lands in Genesis 47 that will impact all nations. Eventually, Abraham’s descendants will be impacted and will need to survive. God’s sets the stage by placing Joseph in Egypt to become second in command to Pharaoh to provided food for all nations. In Genesis 37:27-31, to get to the descendants to Egypt, Joseph, is sold into slavery by his brothers because of jealous intention which eventually places him in Egypt. Genesis 39: For several years he has been enslaved with Potiphar and in Egypt’s prison, although with God’s favor upon him. When he is finally in place as Egypt’s second in command, he makes the statement in Genesis 50:20 to his brothers. Joseph explained to his brothers, although they had evil intentions, it was God’s plan all the time was to use Joseph’s life to keep the nation of Israel in the midst of one of the greatest famines …show more content…
It consist of ordinances, the 10 Commandments, the sacrificial worship system which includes priests, the tabernacle, offerings and festival days according to Exodus 20-40 and Leviticus 1-7. Through the law, Israel was set apart from other nations in Exodus 19:5. The law taught them about the character of God and established His character through his name Yahweh or the “the Great I am.” Exodus 20-40 and Leviticus 1-7, the law allowed Israel to see their sinful nature and the sacrificial system established a method of forgiveness from their sin. The sacrifice system required faith and believe in the Law. This system pointed a nation toward a need for a perfect sacrifice, a savior to deliver them from

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