
Abuse in elderly care homes

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Abuse in elderly care homes
Abuse Where We Least Expect it: A look into the Hidden Lives of Nursing Homes
Composition II
Wednesday 2 pm – 5:40 pm
Professor Ill
Brittany Guilfoil
Baker College Cass City

Position Statement: Elderly family members are not any better off at a long-term care facility where they are often mistreated and neglected.
I. Introduction A. Attention Grabber: Close your eyes imagine yourselves fifty years from today: Your family decides to leave you to your peace in a nursing home where you won’t have to be bothered by the passing trains, the pollution, and the noise of the city. You’re in one of those places called nursery homes. You can sit back and enjoy the rest of your days in harmony. You listen to the sounds of the birds chirping nearby. The sweet voices of the nurses talking; the doctors asking you how you are feeling today. The volunteers rushing through the front doors all happy and excited to talk to you. You relax on your bed in peace and quiet. You worked all your life now its your time to kick back and enjoy the bright sunny day ahead of you. Your family says goodbye to you and tell you that they will come back to visit you in a while. You give hug them goodbye and go back to listening the chirping sounds of the birds and close your eyes. Just then you feel your back hurting as you try to get up and see to the problem but you can’t get up you call for help; just then as if someone is pulling on your wrist hard enough that your the area is swelling up and you shout for help and scream and yell but no one is there listening to your cries. You feel someone slapping your face; then you hear a snap: your arm is bleeding and hurting in pain; you come to open your eyes maybe to escape the horror but instead you discover you have a broken bone, cuts and swelling on your wrist, and the painful mark that they left on your cheek will be there for a while. You worry what to do. You go to reach for the phone but the doctor says to you

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