All of us know that cars pollute. This pollution harms the environment. In order to prevent it we either shouldn’t use cars at all or try to reduce the amount of fuel by the creation of water cars. There are four things that need to be discussed about water cars: the first water car, how they work, how they help, and the pros and cons. The first water-powered car was a Ford Escort used by Denny Klein in 1994. “You just drive it like a regular car. The infrastructure is already in place to get it serviced, so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel.” Denny Klein also said that the electrolysis process is natural and that no other gas can or will do this. His invention is drawing attention worldwide. “Microsoft started from a small garage, why not HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY?” His company is developing a gasoline-water hybrid hummer for the US military. The technology is still undergoing independent tests. The company managers predict that it will hit the market in two years. In1995, another guy named Stanley Meyer claimed to invent a water-powered car working with water alone. Meyer passed away in 1998. Many say he received threats from oil companies and was poisoned after refusing to abandon his technology. (Gingichashivili) From the name of the water-powered car you can say that they function with only water. There’s no car that can work with 100% water. Water is not a type of fuel. Water mixes with gasoline and then makes the car function. In order for water to split, there is a central device in the conversion kit known as an electrolyzer (Popa). This device uses electric current to break up water (substance) into hydrogen and oxygen (elemental components). This process is called electrolysis. Electrolysis happens before the fueling of the car (Hammer). Electric current that is needed in the electrolysis process is supplied by the car’s alternator or batteries. The compound formed has many names: oxhydrogen or Brown
Bibliography: (Sources) 1) Deshmukh, Ujwal ; “Hydrogen Cars Pros and Cons” ; ; 01.03.2012 ; 27.02.2013 2) Gingichashvili, Sarah ; “Water-Powered-Car-Demonstrated?” ; ; home