Accidents and Injuries
CYPCore 3.4 -4.1+ 4.2
How I respond, record and report the following:
Accidents -
Minor – Any minor accident (for example grazes, small cuts, light bumps) are firstly dealt with by a first aider, they will assess and then treat the child/adult accordingly, we have an accident record slip we fill in with details of how the accident happened and what steps we took to treat the child. If the child/adult is OK to be returned to class then we will do so, any bumps to the head or anything more than just a minor injury to a child we make a courtesy call home so the parent can decide if the child should remain at school or would like them to go home.
Major – In the case of a major accident a first aider will attend the child/adult and give basic first aid while an ambulance is called. Any major accident needs to be reported to ofsted and we record the accident in the same way as a minor accident in school. A phone call home to the parents/next of kin would also be made.
Incidents such as a child biting another child- We would record details of what happened and date and sign this, making note of any injuries sustained by the bite etc.
We would then make sure that both the victims parents and child that cause the injury parents are made aware of the incident.
Fire – In the case of a fire or fire alarm all classes/pupils/staff evacuate to the MUGA (all weather pitch) class teachers then count the children and put their hand up when all class is present. In the event of a missing child / adult, the Headteacher (or designated person in their absence) will assign a member of staff to return and check the toilet areas/classrooms.
Missing children -
In the unlikely event that after a roll call or at another time it is noticed that a child has gone missing, whether in school or out: The following procedures will be followed.
A roll call will be taken to ascertain that the child is missing.