It is my first day of work. I am nervous. This is the new job with the better hours that I wanted. This job will challenge me as well as to be able to work with people, to make a difference in the world. There is a lot of staff in this department. I know I will be working with a partner but I do not know who. I am to meet the manager in her office and my day will begin from there. For a brief moment as I open the door to this big building I question what am I doing here? I take a deep breath, find my smile, take a step forward and this new chapter in my life begins. The first hour of the day is what any first day is a quick tour of the area, where my locker will be, the names of too many people that I will not remember tomorrow …show more content…
The types of perceptual schema that I used to help make sense of the data were physical constructs, Mary was a female. The role constructs that may have played at role during the week would be that of Mother, one that we share. Confident, friendly, helpful, and genuine are all interaction constructs that I identified. Finally the membership construct that was present was that of Disability Support Worker.
Stereotyping did not play a factor in my perception of Mary. All of the positive traits that were present during the perception process made the fact that Mary was a different nationality than me a nonissue. I believe that interpretation of the initial hand shake, my recollection was that we reached out to shake hands at the same time, played a role in the perception. Reaching at the same time in my mind further showed she was confident. Moving simultaneously made us …show more content…
Our initial impressions often carry more weight than the ones to follow. We pay more attention to things that happen first and they are easier to recall as they are first in a sequence. I also believe once we form an impression perception we look for ways to keep this perception alive.
As I was starting a new job and it was my first day I had mentally prepared myself to remain open to what would come my way that day. I accurately perceived Mary as I was open to the situation and a new person. Personally I was well rested and was aware of what feelings I was going through and did not let them take over. In conclusion I state that my first Impression was that Mary is confident, calm, composed, collected, professional, mature, friendly, and welcoming was an accurate perception. The selections I identified were: - Contrast, she was confident and I was nervous. - Intensity, I respond to people who smile. - Repetitious stimuli, she smiled often and