Scenario 1
The problem for this client is more then just about his grades or his SAT scores. The client plans on attending Yale where his parents attended, but is worried about his SAT scores being high enough to get accepted. He is concerned about earning anything less then almost perfect grades and is worried about disappointing his parents by not getting accepted into Yale and graduating.
It is obvious that the client wants to do well at things, but his reasonings for wanting to do well could be based off his parents. The visible evidence of worry and upset shows signs of critical hardness and critique on himself and towards his future success. I think it is important to cover the achievments that he has earned and the high level of classes that he has completed at his age. His accomplishments do not seem to measure up to a high enough standard. What standard is the client comparing himself to? Yale seems to be the highest standard that has been set for himself. When assessing this issue, it would be important to analyze the resources for his future plans. Is the school really important to him or his parents? What would it mean if he did not get accepted into Yale? Relying only on his SAT scores will not help the current state of his emotions. It is important to have the client discuss what other schools he could attend and the support system that he has during this process of choosing a school. Having the client discuss his goals outside of Yale will help in the process of options outside of one standard and one goal. The client is very intelligent, but compares the intelligence level of himself to the graduation place of his parents. The client seemed to really want to go to where his parents graduate from. Does the client feel some support from his parents and does he really feel like he has options? After having the client assess his future goals, his support, and schools outside of Yale, it is important to evaluate the emotions of