Demonstrate in –depth understanding on why this method of training is used and how it is relevant to this context (activity)
Anaerobic training is used to enhance performance in non-endurance activities to promote strength, speed and power and also to strengthen muscles in a shorter amount of time. Anaerobic training triggers two main energy systems: the high energy phosphate systems, (adenine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP)) and the anaerobic glycolysis system. High energy phosphates are used in small doses within muscle cells and the anaerobic glycolysis system is used in the absence of oxygen inside the cells or when ATP is needed in higher quantities but it cannot be produced fast enough during aerobic metabolism. These energy systems will help to build strength within the muscles and will contribute to a better health and well-being.
Demonstrate in-depth understanding on the bodies’ physiological responses from participating in the session.
During my training my body was exerting a lot of ATP around my body to give me energy to do the workout. I worked between 75-90% of my max heart rate because the workouts I was doing were very short but intense which meant I had to work harder to get the maximum amount of ATP out of my body. I noticed that after my workouts I was fatigued because the ATP energy within the muscle cells around the area of work had been all used up.
Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the strength and weaknesses of the application of the method of training. You should show an interrelationship between the biophysical principles.
Anaerobic training is really good in context to the various sports I participate in because in netball, basketball and touch you are not always on the move but you have to exert small bursts of energy at a time e.g. following the opposition on defence, dribbling the ball towards the hoop and running with the touch ball.