Bacteria grown in a closed system show a specific growth pattern called the growth curve which consists of four phases. The lag phase, which is a period of slow growth; exponential phase, period of maximum growth; stationary phase, where nutrients become the limiting factor making the growth rate equal to the death rate and the death phase where organisms die faster than they are replaced. It is important to know how fast a microbe grows in order to know bactericidal or antibiotic concentrations, temperature and ph at which they stop growing. Evaluating a growth curve gives you a perspective of the generation time and the mean growth rate constant which would help you estimate the minimum, maximum and optimum growth temperature of the microbe. In this experiment you would be able to see the duration of each phase, the mean growth rate constant (k) is used to measure how fast cells are dividing in a culture, generation time, optical density (OD) which s the measure of the amount of light absorbed by a suspension of bacterial cells, and the organism’s minimum, maximum, and optimum temperatures…