To begin the comparison of this song and the play you need to understand that this song makes quite a bit of references even including the names Romeo and Juliet although some of the song is inaccurate
Let’s start at the very beginning of the song “We were both young when I first saw you.” Indeed they were young with Juliet being two weeks from 14 and Romeo is around 16 and from the phrase “when I first saw you” I can guess this was act I scene 5 as this is the ball/party scene and is where Romeo and Juliet first see each other.
The next line is “I close my eyes and the flashback starts:” This is probably talking about Juliet and will continue about where her mind is versus her physical self
The next line is “I’m standing there on a balcony in summer air.” So this is where her physicals self is more or less for the rest of the song and this is the balcony scene where she spills her heart out.
The next verse is “See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.” As said she is reflecting on the party and what she saw and her …show more content…
The next line is “and my daddy said, “stay away from Juliet.” This is basically what the Capulets would have said to Romeo if they knew of they love although I suspect it would be more vicious and perhaps a injury. The next line was “and I was crying on the staircase” although not in the play this was similarly how Juliet reacted when she heard of the banishment of Romeo. The last line of this stanza is “Begging you, “Please don’t go.” and I said…” The apparent Juliet of the song is related to the play in which Juliet in the play keeps saying it is still night despite all the evidence it is morning comparing to the lyrics this was essentially what Juliet did but with less