Activity-related affects are individual’s feelings towards the desired activity. “Activity- related affect consist of three components: emotional arousal to the act itself (act related), the self-acting (self-related), and the environment in which the action takes place (context related)” (Pender et al., 2014, p. 37). If the individual enjoys the activity, they will continue it. However, if the activity is not enjoyed, the individual will most likely avoid it. S.M. has a positive outlook on activity-related affect. She is trying to adjust to eating healthy foods and is beginning to enjoy it. S.M. however hates the going to the gym. She feels uncomfortable due to her age and her size. She is looking into purchasing exercise
DVDs that she can do in the comfort of her house.
Interpersonal Influences: Family, Peers, Providers, Norms, Support
According to Pender et al. (2014), Interpersonal influences are cognitions that encompass behavior, beliefs, or attitudes of others. “Interpersonal influences include social norms (expectations of significant others), social support (instrumental and emotional encouragement), and modeling (vicarious learning through observing others)” (Pender et al., 2014, p. 38). These three influences determine whether the individual will engage in health promoting behavior. S.M. states family is very supportive and helping her to adjust to this new lifestyle. Her daughter is going shopping with her and helping her to understand the importance of reading labels on food products. Also, her younger son exercises alongside her sometimes for support and encouragement. However, S.M. does not want to go to therapy to deal with the stress in her life due to the social stigma and the fear of rejection from her social group.