Mrs. Ekenseair
8th Grade Biblical Worldview
6 December 2016
Holy Spirit in Paul In the book of Acts I have learned about so much. I have learned how Paul spread the Gospel and also how I can too. I have also learned how Paul was empowered by the Holy Spirit and how I am empowered too. In Acts Paul has many difficulties throughout the book but he keeps faith. In Acts it was like I was taken on a journey with Paul to so many different places and learned so many new lessons. I have learned so much about spreading the Gospel, being empowered by the Holy Spirit, and having faith during difficulties. In Acts we see Paul spreading the Gospel basically all of the book. In Acts 14 we see Paul and Barnabas traveling to Lystra. On their way they met a beggar who was lame from birth. The man listened to Paul preaching. Paul looked at the man …show more content…
Acts taught me how Paul spread the Gospel and how I can spread the Gospel. I also learned how Paul was empowered by the Holy Spirit. I also learned how I am empowered by the Holy Spirit. In Acts Paul goes through uncountable difficulties. Paul taught me how I could brush them off and to trust God always in these difficulties. In all of the 27 chapters of Acts I always learned a new lesson and it taught me so much about God and the Holy Spirit. All of the lessons I learned were, to do what God tells you. I also learned that sometimes we are at a certain place for a different reason than we thought. I also learned that the Holy Spirit will always provide. I learned that the Holy Spirit wants us to preach about Him for His glory. I learned that God is always in control no matter the circumstance. I learned that God will make something good out of the hard and difficult times. I learned many more than that. Acts is filled with important life lessons about personal life, faith, and so much more. I am so glad that we got the opportunity to learn about acts in Biblical