contemporary societies?
The displacement of traditional methods of penal practice within contemporary societies in
favour of the more risk orientated model of actuarial justice has proved a contentious issue
amongst academic and political discourse and still remains an arena of vigorous debate.
The discussion surrounding the progressive area of actuarial justice may be seen to provide
opposing arguments of equal weight and pertinence within modern structures of national
criminal justice systems throughout the globe; however the construction and application
of this theoretical model of criminal justice may differ amongst societies and …show more content…
heterogeneous effects in combination with differential cultural, economic and ideological
The concept and practice of actuarial justice will first be considered and the way it
subsequently departs from more traditional procedures of penal practice, primarily analysing
western society, with a particular focus upon the British model of criminal justice.
The arguments suggesting that contemporary societies are indeed transposing conventional
penal practices (with a focus upon the offence and punishment of the individual offender)
towards an acknowledgment of potential risky and dangerous populations as a whole and the
consequential strategies of management will subsequently be discussed.
Case representations
of the way in which differential executions of the same model of actuarial justice may vary
between societies and the disparate consequences they deliver will additionally be considered
to highlight the divergent viewpoints and debates encompassing actuarial justice.
Drawing upon the various outcomes actuarial justice may be argued to impose, with specific
reference to the implementation of the indeterminate sentence for public protection (IPP), the
debate accentuating the harms and inequalities which are promoted within particular models
of actuarial justice and thus the argument that on the whole many traditional methods have
not been displaced in favour of this new risk penology shall be assessed.
The concept of actuarial justice is the process whereby future threats and risks posed by
offenders to society are calculated and as such play a dominant role in contributing to
prevention techniques and policing which endeavour to respond to such perceived …show more content…
Actuarial justice assumes that deviance within society is habitual and will remain as an
enduring reality, thus crime can be seen to have undergone a process of normalisation,
viewed as directly resultant of modern society. By this standard, it adopts the position of
crime prevention through risk assessment, with a focus upon larger populations deemed
dangerous to society opposed to the established approach of criminal justice which
places the individual and their specific offence as preeminent.
It is through the depart of
individualisation to generalisation which has shaped the management techniques associated
with actuarial justice. It can be argued that this model of justice is consequently unconcerned
with the reformation of offenders, instead seeks to filter particular groups through specific
pathways within the justice system dependent upon their risk profile. As such it is possible to
deduce that actuarial justice is primarily concerned with the existing and future threat posed
upon society by offenders, making the paramount concern crime prevention and constraining
lawbreaking activity contrary to providing a suitable response and the comprehension factors
contributing to individual criminality.
The debate and evidence promoting the implication that actuarial justice is indeed displacing
traditional penal methods is one which is widely and comprehensively presented within both
academic and political discourse. Giddens (1994) proffers the suggestion that modern
societies are to a greater extent preoccupied with the notion of future risk, which may be
as a by-product of the increased threat posed within the post modern world. Giddens and
Beck (date) refer to this focus upon sustained safety and prevention of future threat as
the ‘risk society’, in which social allegiance to the nation state is dissolved marked by a lack
of reverence in traditional institutions and an ascendance of global forces. Reflexive
modernisation, described as ‘the possibility of a creative (self-)destruction for an entire
epoch: that of industrial society. The ‘subject’ of this creative destruction is not the
revolution, not the crisis, but the victory of Western modernisation’ (Beck, date, pp2). A
concept which undercuts the formations of, for example, class, gender and occupation within
the social hierarchy, imposing self-confrontation with the consequences of risk society which
may no longer be managed under the practices of industrial societies ‘institutionalised
standards’. The paradigm presented by risk society therefore is the split from the protection
of the nation state to one of constructing individuals as responsible for their own safety and
risk management. The term ‘advanced liberal’ is deployed by Rose (1996) to further
emphasise this social shift, away from the explicit power of the nation state to one which
governance is achieved ‘at arm’s length’, promoting greater independence and furthering the
need for increased individual responsibalisation. This sporadic governance of society is one
which is still primarily concerned with the notion of risk and the probability of its subsequent
effect, exposing the aggregate populations which are identified as presenting danger to
society. The focus shifted to an increased managerial approach to crime, aimed at reducing
the rate of potential offences and eliminating the presence of ‘criminogenic situations’
(Garland, 1996). This is argued to have marked a divergence from rehabilitative responses
targeted at individual offenders, to the generalised management to particular sections of the
population (Simon and Feeley, 1992). No longer viewing offenders in a manner akin to
traditional criminal justice responses, understanding their motives and experiences and
consequently in need of reformation and treatment but as universal group of potential harm.