A certificate is required to practice Traditional Chinese Medicine. While there are many colleges in Ontario that offer a diploma in the study of acupuncture, it is important that the program is accredited to meet the standards of practice that are set by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). Acupuncture is also offered at other …show more content…
post-secondary institutes as additional learning combined with other medical or health related programs. These programs are also approved by the CTCMPAO and allow graduates of these programs to register with the college. In order to register with the college in Ontario, applicants need to pass a written and a practical exam. In Ontario, Acupuncture is regulated by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). Practitioners who belong to the college are regulated under the Regulated Health Professionals Act (RHPA) and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act. While Acupuncture is regulated in Ontario, most provinces in Canada do not regulate Acupuncture. It is the patient’s responsibility to inquire about the practitioner’s education and their ability to service them. Provinces which acupuncturists are regulated are British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and Newfoundland.
In 2003, a paper analyzing and reviewing acupuncture determined that acupuncture was able to effectively treat pain and chronic pain as much as the drug morphine could. This inability to feel pain is referred to as acupuncture analgesia. Acupuncture helps reduce pain and muscle spasms. It has been used to reduce the pain of tooth extractions in dentistry, reduced the length of labour during child birth, and has also been used as surgical anesthesia. The time in which it takes to feel relief depends on the severity and type of disease. It is recommended by Acupuncture Canada that if patients do not feel relief after the sixth treatment, then the patient needs further evaluation of the medical condition they have. Also, maintenance treatments are suggested for patients with chronic ailments. Research on the effects of acupuncture varies and have different outcomes. The practitioner typically creates a relaxing environment prior to inserting needles into the patient. This has proven to have a positive effect on the patients psychologically as they make patients feel less anxious and relaxed before a needle is inserted. Researchers in Germany have also determined that Acupuncture is an effective treatment for treating chronic pain. However it has not shown any evidence in helping treat mental illnesses such as depression and substance abuse.
Homeopathy is using substances to stimulate similar symptoms of an ailment a patient may be suffering from and thus, the principle of the practice, “like cures like”. Homeopathic medicine began when German physician Samuel Hahnemann began using Peruvian bark for malaria because it induced similar symptoms to the disease. The second principle of homeopathy states that the further a substance is diluted, the stronger it is. Homeopathic remedies also include the Law of Succession. In which the remedies are shaken vigorously to make it more potent.
In order to become homeopathy practitioner and become part of the college in Ontario, an individual must complete some requirements that the College of Homeopaths in Ontario have established.
Some of these include, a completion of a post-secondary homeopathy programs, completion of a course that covers the laws and regulation within the profession, and an essay illustrating knowledge of homeopathy. While the /homeopathy Act was passed in Ontario in 2007, homeopaths are unable to perform controlled acts outlined in the Regulated Health Professions Act (1991). Besides, the province Ontario, there are no Colleges of homeopathy present in any other province or territory in Canada. However, the practice itself is still regulated by the Canadian government. Substances that are provided by homeopaths are regulated by the government to ensure their
Created from various healing systems from the 18th and 19th century, Naturopathy is shaped by philosophies which are natural medicine and conventional medicine. The practice includes natural healing practices such as Homeopathy, Acupuncture, clinical nutrition and hydrotherapy. Naturopaths are licensed to prevent, treat and diagnose various diseases through using natural therapies with the goal for the body to heal in a natural way over time. Naturopaths adhere to six principles that guide their practices. Some of which include, Do No Harm. Naturopaths seek the most effective natural way to treat their patients with little or no side effects, these can include homeopathy . As mentioned above homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like”. Based on this principle, the side effects of this treatment is minimal as it is not introducing new symptoms into the body. Naturopaths also follow important principles such as “doctor as teacher and prevention”. Naturopathy aims at prevention and a way in which this can occur, is the practitioner teaching the patient various ways that they can live a healthy lifestyle and maintain their own optimal health. This can assist the patient in preventing future illnesses and disease in the future.
In Canada, it takes about seven years to become a Naturopath as they undergo similar training as medical doctors, being trained as primary care physicians. Naturopathy is regulated by the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). In order to be registered, an individual must be a graduate of a four year Naturopathy program that has been approved by the college and complete the Naturopathic licensing exam. If an experienced student is seeking to be registered with the college, they are expected to complete a three year university degree and must have at least four years of experience outside of school.
The effect of Naturopathy is difficult to measure because it involves different alternative treatments as mentioned previously. It does however, positively effects it patients because of changes made to the patient’s lifestyle, diet, and other treatments. The effectiveness of the treatments are largely based on the patient as they practitioner is able to make changes to their health plan.
These three CAM all have the flow of energy through the body in common. With Homeopathy and Acupuncture being a treatment that is offered in the practice of Naturopathy. Both homeopathy and acupuncture are based on the body’s flow of energy. Both modalities practice the concept of clearing blockages which may obstruct the energy flow in an individual. Homeopathy has been proven to be able to do this on the physical body, mental and emotional aspects of an individual’s health. It is often considered to be a nontoxigenic energy Medicine, as it has very little side effects. In fact it has been propose by famous acupuncturist that homeopathy and acupuncture should be used together with some ailments as they benefit each other. It has been proven that this method works well with conditions such as psoriasis, arthritis, skin conditions and other conditions. The process, which has been named “Homepuncture”, would involve the acupuncturists immersing their needles into a homeopathy remedy before inserting into the patient .
When it comes to Naturopathy, the practitioners are often considered to be the general practitioners of alternative medicines. Basically naturopathy is a generic remedy and homeopathy goes more into it. For example, Naturopathy is origins are based on the term that “nature cures” while homeopathy goes more in depth and its origins are based on the law of similarity that “like cures like”.
Naturopathy and homeopathy also different philosophies. The philosophy of naturopathy is based on providing an environment which supports recovery from illness; thus the reason to ask the patient on their eating and lifestyle habits. Homeopathy on the other hand, has the philosophy based on the first principle of homeopathy, which is the law of similarity.
Based on the research in this paper, it can be concluded that while these three modalities have something in common, it might be better to go to a Homeopath or an Acupuncturist than a Naturopath because they aim to provide the best care to the specific ailment. It targets the problem that the individual has while naturopathy attempts to reshape the patient’s lifestyle. While naturopathy is good for an individual in the long run; as it creates changes in the individual’s lifestyle that lasts a while, the other two modalities provides “instant” relief.