problems with his language and communication skills. Lanza was born in New Hampshire on April 22, 1992 by Peter and Nancy Lanza. When Adam was growing up his mother regularly took him to the shooting range, needless to say he had grew up around guns and was able to shoot. While he was in school, his illnesses had gotten to the point that he had to be withdrew from school at grade eight and was declared “homebound” for the following year. After the following year he had made little to no progress, but he still had tried to return to school only to withdraw again.
He was known as a shy, quiet and socially awkward kid while growing up and later was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, Anxiety, OCD, and was suspected of having Schizophrenia.
While his family believed he needed help, his mother refused to get him the help that was needed and he had refused to take the medications that were prescribed to him. As he began to get older matters got worse, he isolated himself, he quit talking to his parents, quit leaving his room, he barricaded his room with black trash bags. After he graduated in 2009 outside a traditional class room, he started to isolate himself. While he was in the process of isolating himself, he entertained himself with video games and eventually connected with other people who had an interest in mass shootings on the site Shocked Beyond Belief and named himself “Smiggles”. There he expressed his feelings, his thoughts and his fascination with mass murders; Lanza was also in possession of a list of 500 of the worlds most notorious mass murders. Adam admitted that the human race was out to control him. He blamed his misery not on his mental afflictions or his life choices but society, he felt as if he were