She has shown that she has awareness of concern for another’s feelings on two ocassions. One being on March 10 at dramatic play when she said, “shhh,” to sequoia when one of the cats were sleeping and another time was on March 14 when in dramatic play she brought the garbage bin over to Paige and said, “just incase the puppy throws up.” (Need 2 observations for talks about own feelings, emotions, and attitudes) She has shown that she can use appropriate social responses when on March 15 she said, “Please” when I prompted with, “What do you say?” before I opened her snack. (Need an observation for Uses appropriate social responses) She struggles to control or express emotions in acceptable ways. Two occasions where she has struggled to express emotions in acceptable ways were on April 7, according to Abby, Addison went over in the corner and cried when Ava wouldn’t set up the party with her at dramatic play and on April 14 Addison started to sob after I asked her to count to 30. (Need 2 observations for responds appropriately to small group instructions) She has shown that she complies with rules, limits, and routines, when on March 8 she went around and said, “Five more minutes,” when Mrs. Campbell asked her
She has shown that she has awareness of concern for another’s feelings on two ocassions. One being on March 10 at dramatic play when she said, “shhh,” to sequoia when one of the cats were sleeping and another time was on March 14 when in dramatic play she brought the garbage bin over to Paige and said, “just incase the puppy throws up.” (Need 2 observations for talks about own feelings, emotions, and attitudes) She has shown that she can use appropriate social responses when on March 15 she said, “Please” when I prompted with, “What do you say?” before I opened her snack. (Need an observation for Uses appropriate social responses) She struggles to control or express emotions in acceptable ways. Two occasions where she has struggled to express emotions in acceptable ways were on April 7, according to Abby, Addison went over in the corner and cried when Ava wouldn’t set up the party with her at dramatic play and on April 14 Addison started to sob after I asked her to count to 30. (Need 2 observations for responds appropriately to small group instructions) She has shown that she complies with rules, limits, and routines, when on March 8 she went around and said, “Five more minutes,” when Mrs. Campbell asked her