1: Understand the expected pattern of development for Children and young people from Birth to 19 years old.
To understand the expected pattern of child development to adulthood the main characteristics must first be outlined, these include physical development, communication and language development, intellectual and cognitive development and social, emotional behavioural and moral development. However it is also important to understand that every child’s development is holistic and they are all unique and will develop at their own rates and pattern of growth to adulthood. Also many of the skills and areas of development inter-twine with each other as some aspects of physical development will be linked to social, behavioural, moral and emotional skills in the overall development and vice versa.
During physical development the main factors to consider are; the fine motor skills (writing, threading, painting and drawing), gross motor skills (running, jumping, climbing, skipping and balance), general and hand eye coordination. Also in intellectual and cognitive development it is all about developing creative and imaginative skills, using these skills in different ways, problem solving, decision making and using language to explain reasoning for actions. During the social, behavioural, moral and emotional development the key factors to consider are; taking turns, cooperation with others, the development of obvious social skills, self expression and self esteem and learning about feelings of others involved in situations. Within the communication and language development the main areas of focus relate to the use of language to explain reasoning, expressing feelings and describing events also relating to both the use of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques.
Physical Development:
The Physical development of children from age 0 to 19 is important to understand within the school and personal