
Adolf Hitler's Anti-Semitic Views During The Holocaust

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Adolf Hitler's Anti-Semitic Views During The Holocaust
Horrible occurrences seem to happen repeatedly over the years. Some are worse than others, but the Holocaust along with many others happen because of someone not being open-minded or not caring about another group of people. While fear and power are both true causes, they stem from not seeing things open-mindedly. Hitler started a rebellion against Jews and non-Aryan(blonde hair and blue eyes) because he only accepted his ideas and beliefs.
The main making of this horrid event was set into motion by Adolf Hitler. The core of his Anti-Semitic views came from his beliefs that the Jews made Germany lose World War I. The Jews, to him, were a race of inferior people taking up space needed for the Aryan race to expand and grow. His leadership led his country as a whole to believe in this Aryan race who was far more superior to the Jews.(Nicholas) Hitler made this sort of racial discrimination legal in the form of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws;
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A land filled with 28 buildings with two stories was supposed to hold 700 people per each building; when used, the buildings held well over their limit at 1200 people. The number that the camp was designed for was almost always exceeded far past their limits.(Life in...) For many decades to come after the Holocaust, Germany felt the heat of what criminal deeds were done in their names. Germany paid for what was brought to light in their behind-the-scenes actions.(History) While the Germans only had the shame, the Jews were physically maimed and had shame beyond what most can imagine. For going back to a normal life, it was challenging to say the least. Most had no more family, a very hard burden to get over after such a tragic event. Most of them still dealt with non-Jewish neighbors that still rejected them; this added onto the fact that many of them had lost their entire family. The Holocaust forever has changed the Jewish people.(United

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