The method that Allen P. Fisher used to determine that textbooks are under informative on adoption is by reading all sociology of the family textbooks between 1998-2001. He ended up reading 21 textbooks. During this first step of the process he examined every index, glossary, and table of contents. After retrieving
all the information needed from this part of the book he then went into complete study of every page of every book until it was completely read and assessed.
The second step to his method is to add the right amount of information to the book and give college students an assignment with multiple topics and test to see if they choose those topics. If they did choose the topic he would read their papers and see what these sociologist students opinions were on the subject of adoption.
An important part of this study is to be biased toward adoption. If he remains bias on the ideas of adoption and reads with a clean slate he will be able to rightly record the information in the textbooks. He did make sure that all areas of the study were unbiased. One way he did this is by not using textbooks that specialized in family sociology that did not have anything to do with adoption. He did this in order to keep the playing field even.
In comparison, he found that it is rightly so, most textbooks put negative thoughts in their text about adoption. This can be very discouraging for college students studying family sociology. Adoption is a beautiful thing that should be portrayed with equal positives and negatives to the decision of bringing a new child into your family.