Legalizing the Adoption of Children by …show more content…
Gay People in All States
The adoption of a child should be based on just the basic wish of finding a loving home, with loving parents. This shouldn’t be restricted regarding your sexual orientation. Gay marriage is now legal, the next step must be adoption of children without any restrictions whatsoever, in every state. The Catholic Church and certain religions overall see this as an abomination to humanity, certain people believe children might grow up wanting to be this way, also there are many people out there in the world right now who are straight and they mistreat children, maybe they don’t even provide the care required to raise the child. The adoption of children by gay people has also been seen as something immoral, as if the children will be raised in an immoral environment.
Several states weigh in on the ban of gay adoptions.
Catholic people do not believe gay adoption or even gay marriage should be allowed due to Catholic’s believes that state marriage as a sacred unification between a man and a woman. “God does not approve of gay marriage, so it should be banned from the world gay people do not move on to paradise after their death” said by several Catholic members. The Catholic Church is contradicting themselves with this ban, god states in the bible that all men and women should whoever they want to be, this includes your sexual orientation. My personal opinion about this topic is this is just inhumane, a person should not be judged yet along be banned from who they are, and this contradicts the principles of the constitution of the United States, which states freedom for all. (Several states weigh ban on gay adoptions; Catholic Charities’ move to stop adoption work focuses new attention on same-sex couples who adopt children, Amanda Paulson Staff Writer of The Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass. …show more content…
Urban myths believe children raised by gay parents are more likely to grow up gay, or learn to be this type of way. This is such an ignorant believe by people being gay is who you are it is impossible to learn to be this type of way. As a matter of fact, available evidence that contradicts this believe demonstrating that the sexual orientation of parents has no impact on the growth of the child, and whether the child will become gay. There is some evidence that children of gay men and lesbians are more divergent, meaning they are more understanding of the judgment by people regarding if you are gay or not. Of course, some children who have gay parents will grow up to be gay, just as some children who have heterosexual parents as well. These children will have the advantage of being raised by parents who are supportive, loving, and accepting in a world that can sometimes be not accepting of certain people who are viewed different than others. Being raised by gay parents won’t have an effect on the child in anyway; the child will grow in a caring and loving environment the same as if the child were to be raised by heterosexual parents. (American Psychological Association, Lesbian And Gay Parenting: A Resource For Psychologists, 1995).
There are many people out there in the world right now who are straight and they mistreat children, maybe they don’t even provide the care required to raise the child.
Some people believe gay couples don't have stable relationships and believe this to cause couples to not be good parents. Some adults in this country and the majority of gay couples are in stable committed relationships. With this said of course some gay couples have issues, as well as some heterosexual relationships. Every relationship on the planet not just the United States has problems, or has had problems. The adoption and foster care screening process is very strict, including recent home visits and interviews of possible candidates to be parents. This system is designed to demonstrate those certain individuals who are not qualified to adopt children or be foster parents, for whatever reason. All of the evidence shows that gay couples can make good parents. The American Psychological Association, in report revising the research, came to an observation to demonstarte that "not a single study has found children of gay or lesbian parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents," and came to a conclusion that "home environments provided by gay and lesbian parents are as likely as those provided by heterosexual parents to support and enable children's psychosocial growth." That is why the Child Welfare League of America, and the North American Council on
Adoptable Children say that gay couples seeking to adopt children should be evaluated just like other adoptive applicants, and not be judged on these believes by people gay men and women should have the same rights heterosexual parents do. (Petit, M. & Curtis, P., Child Abuse and Neglect: A Look at the States, 1997 CWLA Stat Book, Child Welfare League of America, Washington, D.C., 1997)
Another misbelieve by people regarding the adoption of children by gay men or lesbians, is said to be that being raised by a gay couple, the child will be brought up in an immoral environment. There are plenty of disagreements in the United States and even the world for that matter about what is moral and what is immoral. Some people believe raising children absent religious beliefs is immoral, yet people who do not practice any religion are allowed to adopt children and be foster parents. So why should this stop gay people from being adoptive parents? Some people think drinking is immoral, but these things don't stop someone from being evaluated as an adoptive or foster parent candidate, adopting children shouldn’t be based on someone’s sexual orientation. If we removed all of the people who could be considered immoral, we would be left with almost no parents to adopt children and provide foster care. Something most of us can agree on is that it is immoral, and inhumane to leave children without a home when there are plenty of qualified, and loving parents waiting to raise them. If heterosexual couples can raise children, gay couples are just as qualified and they might be even better. (Bailey, J.M., Bobrow, D., Wolfe, M. & Mikach, S. (1995), Sexual orientation of adult sons of gay fathers, Developmental Psychology, 31, 124-129)
To conclude, gay men and gay women are more than qualified to adopt and raise a child. Adoption is such a beautiful thing to do, you are giving a child a home, a guardian, but more than that you are giving them a parent. This shouldn’t be restricted due to someone’s sexual orientation. Many people see this as an abomination, the Catholic Church and many other religions see this as well. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion about something, and this is mine, but as many things in life, process takes time and one day this will be another goal conquered by humanity.