Step 1 – Considering Adoption: Is Adoption Right for You and Your Child?
Many women facing an unplanned pregnancy are unsure if they are ready to parent. Every woman’s situation is different, and only you know the right decision – not the father of the baby, your parents, your sister, or your best friend.
Every year, thousands of women make the adoption decision, primarily because they love their child and want their child to have a life filled with both love and opportunity. Listed below are some of the reasons these women chose adoption for their child:
Two-parent home, where both parents are involved in the raising of the child.
Financial stability, so their child can have more opportunities in life.
Not ready to parent, either because of their age or simply because they wanted to pursue school or other goals before motherhood. Or perhaps they have other children and knew from experience how challenging raising a child can be. Step 2 – Sorting Through Your Emotions and Answering Your Adoption Questions
Very few women in your position feel 100 percent confident about their decision of either parenting or adoption. For those women who choose adoption, this uncertainty begins to fade away as they begin to learn more about the adoption process, and later, get to know the adoptive family.
Many women considering adoption share the following questions, and once they are answered, they feel more confident about their adoption decision:
Will my child know about his adoption?
What do adoptive children think about being adopted?
What will my child think about me for choosing adoption?
When will I feel better and more confident about my decision?
Will the adoptive family love my child as much as a