
Adversity In My Life

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Adversity In My Life
Johnathan Lockwood Huie once said, “Adversity can crush our spirit or strengthen it- it is our choice.” I chose to let it strengthen my spirit. All my life, I’ve had obstacles thrown at me from all angles. I’ve dealt with multiple moves, three fathers, my mother’s health, my limitations from Asbergers, and even a health condition of my own. At every step, I could have given up, but I chose not to.
I was born June 6, 2001, in Cary, North Carolina. During the first four years of my life, I didn’t talk. Even after I started to speak, things were hard. As a result of my Asbergers, my social skills were far worse than anyone else. Throughout my life I’ve worked on myself, so I could fit in. I have moved over fourteen times; every time having to start over. Growing up with three different fathers was also difficult. Most children have one father who teaches them all they need to know. I didn’t have that luxury.
In 2004, my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She had to quit her job at IBM and was in and out of the hospital. My whole life has been dictated by mother’s health. In 2008, my mother was declared legally blind. She never drove again. This
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It causes my platelets to drop; requiring me to get treatments every couple of months. I missed multiple days of school while getting my treatments. I had numerous doctor’s appointments each month. I was constantly thinking about my health. Nevertheless, I didn’t let it hinder me. I made Judaic honor roll for second and third quarter. When I was told by my hematologist that I wouldn’t be able to play sports, I decided to find a way to get around it. I called the hematologist office on my own. When that didn’t work, I sought help from my pediatrician. I told him that I was becoming depressed as a result of not being able to do the things that I love. He called the Hematologist and convinced him to let me play. My pure determination has gotten me to where I am

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