Clients often come into counseling with crises and want a solution to the problem. It is vital for the therapist during this time to be focused and goal oriented. To help a client in crisis mode it is important for the counselor to identify what needs to be focused on first, and help to break the problems into manageable ones. This paper will discuss the case vignette of Jamila. Jamila’s 9-year-old son recently was hit by a car and is in the hospital. This writer will address ways to help Jamila handle the problem, as well as develop a plan and action steps.
All of Jamila’s concerns are valid and need to be addressed, however, prioritizing Jamila’s concerns in the counseling session is imperative so that Jamila is …show more content…
Since Jamila’s sons wellbeing is her main focus, it would be important to discuss with her that he will get treatment at the hospital and what she can do to take care of herself as well. Another important step to take during this session to ensure that Jamila has the resources she needs right now, would be to discuss with her what childcare would look like for her daughter. This may involve brainstorming with Jamila natural supports she has, such as family, friends, or neighbors she can outreach to. The next step would be helping Jamila to identify what special needs her son will require, and what this would look like, such as how quickly it is needed and where it can be obtained. This may look like encouraging Jamila to speak to the hospital regarding resources that could help, outreaching to the school regarding what accommodations can be made, and encouraging her to contact agencies that may be able to support. Lastly, providing Jamila with information to support her in her fear of losing her job, would be important. This may look like educating Jamila on the Family Leave Act (FMLA) law that prevents employers from firing their employees when medical needs arise (Wage and Hour Division, n.d.). This could look informing her of it and where to obtain the information. Through doing all the above, the counselor is ensuring that Jamila has the resources she needs at this