Due to the efforts of the British missionaries, many Africans changed their religion and joined the church, leaving their families and villages devoid of strength and unity to resist the imperialists. The rise of disunity within the African society led to their incompetence to rebel because the Africans had lost their ability to trust other members of their tribe, which eventually caused them to be powerless to resist other imperialists. After leaving the Africans disunited, the British continued to oppress them by claiming their land and resources and essentially leaving them helpless to provide for …show more content…
During imperialism an English businessman, Cecil Rhodes, addressed the public of Britain to boast that “we (Britons) are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race” (Rhodes). Influenced by their belief of being a superior race, the British found it reasonable to acquire the land and resources of inferior races because they believed their actions would cause the lesser races eventually benefit by being civilized and educated. In addition, if the British managed to convert the Africans to believe in their faith, they would possess a civilized group of individuals who could support them during times of difficulty. During the 7 years Okonkwo was away from Umuofia, the white men had started to take away the and of the natives to “[Bring] a government.. And build a court where the District Commissioner judged in ignorance. They also built a prison which was fill of men who had offended against the white man’s law” (Achebe 174-175). Africans were subject to the will of the Europeans because they lacked the capabilities to stand up against the British for themselves. They were also oppressed because they were forced to give up their land due to technological disadvantages and be forced to get judge by someone who was naturally biased towards his own