Agency Evaluation Paper
Issues in Social Service Delivery: 39-421
Telamon Corporation
Organizational Culture
Telamon Corporation Head Start centers provide a secure setting where children can develop their skills under the watchful eyes of well-trained caregivers. The mission of this agency is “to support the social-emotional, academic, and physical development of children by working with families, early care and education programs, and the community through a statewide, comprehensive early childhood system”. The goals of the agency is to give all young children including children with disabilities, English language learners, and other children who maybe at risk the learning opportunities they need to be successful in school and life and to give families the community supports they need to be the primary teachers of their children. The children of this program will learn and live in a safe and nurturing environment. Telamon head start programs incorporate curriculum that is continuous and ensures smooth transition of children and families from one setting to the next. The learning curriculum is based on early care and education professionals from Delaware First and K-12 teacher standards. The work group also collaborates with other agencies, public and private, to ensure a high quality comprehensive early childhood system. Telamon Head Start centers offer partial or full-day services. The services include health and dental screenings, nutritious meals, individual as well as group learning experiences, play opportunities and other structured activities. Parents are included in program planning and all services and materials are designed to be age and developmentally appropriate as well as sensitive to the cultural and language environment of a child's home. The approach of Telamon head start is to provide a nurturing environment that supports the healthy growth and development of each child in the context of the child’s