The Agile Business Analyst
By: Mike Cottmeyer, V. Lee Henson
Executive Summary
Contents Rapidly changing market conditions are requiring companies to shorten delivery cycles and become more responsive to customer expectations. Agile development methodologies are leading the way, helping software development teams adjust to the new economy. Agile challenges our notion of software engineering best practices, project management methodology, and how we lead our teams. The Agile movement impacts every role on a project team differently and creates opportunities to learn new skills and develop new ways of working together. Agile development is having a significant impact on the Business Analyst community. Agile introduces a significant …show more content…
• For Project Managers, success moving to Agile development methodologies depends on acquiring the skills necessary to progressively plan a project through its lifecycle rather than at the onset. Project Managers will also need to adopt new ways of understanding project control and risk. 1 • For Quality Testers, evolving to an agile framework will mean developing the skills necessary to write tests and validate code in parallel with development. This paper will explore the impact agile development methodologies are having on the BA community, what new skills are required, and what BAs can do to ease the …show more content…
Mike is a certified PMP project manager and a certified ScrumMaster. Mike was involved with the creation of the DSDM Agile Project Leader certification, holds this certification at the Foundation, Practitioner, and Examiner levels, and was recently named an honorary member of the DSDM consortium. Mike is on the board of APLN and the current Treasurer.
V. Lee Henson is one of fifty certified scrum trainers worldwide and has worked in just about every role on an agile team. He is an ADDIE Training Professional and has led many Fortune 500 teams and assisted them in successful implementation of thousands of projects. His unique blend of recent real-world experience combined with the ability to drive home highly technical concepts in an easy to understand digestible manner make him an amazing resource to get any team at any level best focused on project related initiatives.