Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.” We see in our surroundings, these elderly figures that often spend time in tranquility, who feel helpless and lonely as they are detached from other strata of society. In old age physical strength deteriorates, mental stability diminishes, and lack of affection from near and dear ones which may add to their sorrow. Their “Drooping shoulders”, “saggy eyes”, “weak bones” and “fragile body “- makes the old age agoniful. Mainly, the negligence from the younger generation also tears them apart emotionally. Therefore, old age face two types of problems, physical and mental which are intertwined.
In earlier times, family values and ethics were given prime importance and one such was to pay respect and shower love to our elderly figures. Hence, those days, the older generation had a very important role in every families and their advice was religiously followed by other family members. However in recent times, the importance of these generations is fading and they are no longer considered as head of family. Nowadays, younger segment of society fail to provide the much required care and love to these aging people and see them as a social and economic burden . In the nuclear family system, the aged people tend to feel neglected as all the others remain busy with their daily chores.
According to me, the negligence of near ones towards aged ones is a main problem for mental sickness. An old person may have everything in life and might still lead a miserable one due to the lack of company, as lifestyle of people is changing nowadays and wards spend less time with their aged parents, so despite of their good health their mind gets stagnant which in turn affects their health. And probably it has become a trend to leave the ill- elders with helpers during their (men”s) absence in the house. Children are being increasingly intolerant of their parents and grandparents health problems. These senior citizens of our society silently suffer humiliation from their children, others are too scared to complain while some who are unable to tolerate further any harsh behavior often disband their homes and leave with a broken heart.
Infact as people grow old, they are dumped by their very own ones to some NGO or old-age homes. Such centres provide physical requirements which are basic necessities of life but fail to alleviate their pain and agony which is quite apparent from those pale wrinkled faces. To cater to the needs of the elderly community, the governments of several countries across the globe have provided to the elderly retirement benefits, social pension schemes and easy access to medical aid and assistance.
In fact it is true that whatever necessary means are being used to delete the agony of aged-s, it is the duty of the young generation to be aware of the very true proverb , ”OLD IS GOLD”. And keeping this proverb in mind they should must their lifestyle and take some time out to spend with their aged elders. This is the only way through which
Old-age can be free from mental sickness and agony……………….