Before I knew it, I was doing things that I never thought I would be able to do, such as artificially inseminating cows and pigs, learning how to test soil, and how to care for livestock. My advisor also introduced me to a job opportunity at Dykhuis Farms, where I now work as a part time swine caretaker. Working on a farm, and gaining real life experiences, helped me discover an appreciation for all the hard work and dedication that goes into ag based careers. It was through my tech program in high school, that I got my start in the world of agriculture, and I would love to continue studying my passion next year at Michigan State University's Ag Tech Program. I believe that MSU would undoubtedly be the best institution for me to continue cultivating my love and passion for livestock animals and ag. MSU has one of the best colleges of agriculture in the nation, and I aspire to someday be apart of that. I have made a decision to be committed to providing the best healthcare possible to livestock animals, and devote the rest of my life towards furthering my knowledge in animal sciences. If it weren't for agriculture then I wouldn't have been shaped into the hard working, and dedicated student that I am today. There is still so much that I have to learn, but I can't think of anywhere better to do that, than at
Before I knew it, I was doing things that I never thought I would be able to do, such as artificially inseminating cows and pigs, learning how to test soil, and how to care for livestock. My advisor also introduced me to a job opportunity at Dykhuis Farms, where I now work as a part time swine caretaker. Working on a farm, and gaining real life experiences, helped me discover an appreciation for all the hard work and dedication that goes into ag based careers. It was through my tech program in high school, that I got my start in the world of agriculture, and I would love to continue studying my passion next year at Michigan State University's Ag Tech Program. I believe that MSU would undoubtedly be the best institution for me to continue cultivating my love and passion for livestock animals and ag. MSU has one of the best colleges of agriculture in the nation, and I aspire to someday be apart of that. I have made a decision to be committed to providing the best healthcare possible to livestock animals, and devote the rest of my life towards furthering my knowledge in animal sciences. If it weren't for agriculture then I wouldn't have been shaped into the hard working, and dedicated student that I am today. There is still so much that I have to learn, but I can't think of anywhere better to do that, than at