A Term Paper Presented to Religious Education, Philosophy
And Peace Education and Development
College of Arts and Sciences
Notre Dame University
In partial fulfilment of requirements for the
Oriental and Chinese Philosophy
In the regeneration and divinization of man, the first step is to eliminate his beastly nature. The predominant in beast is cruelty, cruelty resulting to injury or inflicting harm to other human beings, animals, plants, and even non-living things. Thus it creates conflicts, misunderstanding, and chaos among creations of God or the creator. Therefore, wise sages prescribe Ahimsa. Ahimsa or non-injury, of course, implies non-killing. But, non-injury is not merely non-killing. In its comprehensive meaning, Ahimsa or non-injury means entire abstinence from causing any pain or harm whatsoever to any living creature, either by thought, word, or deed. Non-injury requires a harmless mind, mouth, and hand. Ahimsa is not mere negative non-injury. It is positive, cosmic love. It is the development of a mental attitude in which hatred is replaced by love. Ahimsa is true sacrifice. Ahimsa is forgiveness. Ahimsa is Sakti. Ahimsa is true strength. Practice of ahimsa develops love, kindness, and compassion. Ahimsa is another name for truth or love. It is universal love. Where there is love, kindness, and compassion there is ahimsa. Where there is ahimsa, there you will find love and selfless service. They all go together. Ahimsa has been the central doctrine of Indian culture from the earliest days of its history.
All aspects of human life and that of the universe are essentially moral and have values and with that, ahimsa could be a tool to help maintain morality, values, and virtues. Henceforth ahimsa must be acknowledged as an obligation to human beings or Homo Sapiens Sapiens especially the stronger
Bibliography: Sivananda, S. (1974) Bliss Divine. Retrieved August 11, 2012 from http://www.dlshq.org/books/es19.htm Online Magazine: Subramuniyaswami, S. (2007). We Can Change the Way Mankind Behaves by Practicing Nonviolence. Retrieved August 18, 2012 from http://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=1662 Online Encyclopedia Article: Maheshwari, K. (2011). Ahimsa, Ahimsa Comes from a Position of Strength. Retrieved August 11, 2012 from http://www.hindupedia.com/en/Ahimsa Online Blog entry: Stone, M. (2010). Ahimsa, Christian Style. Retrieved August 18, 2012 from http://mattstone.blogs.com/christian/2010/07/ahimsa-christian-style.html Online Journal: (2005). Ahimsa in All Religion. Retrieved August 18, 2012 from http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/interfaith-dialogues/1654-ahimsa-in-all-religions.html Sivananda, S Subramuniyaswami, G. (1989). The Hindu Ethic of Non-Violence. Retrieved August 11, 2012 from http://www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/pamphlets/AhimsaNonViolence.html