The founder of Envirofit seek for solution and believe that they have ananswer, that is the newer improving two stroke engines in hope to help of improving on theenvironment to be greener and increase of fuel saving. Their target market are mainly to thosewho can’t afford the four-stroke engine. Which last longer, but more expensive. The two-strokedoes the similar job, but is less expensive. In comparison to the carbureted 2-stroke engine,Envirofit’s two-stroke DI retrofit kit reduces carbon monoxide emissions by 76%, carbondioxide emissions by 35%, and hydrocarbon emissions by 89%. At the same time, fuel use isreduced by 35% and oil by 50%.1 This type of environmental project would require a specialinvestors who would willingly both seek financial return on his investment, but also love to beinvolve in the venture of creating a health living condition.1
22) Envirofit ideas of emerging social entrepreneurship and microfinance, is the modelthat they had applied in develop Envirofit business plan. This help them to mainly focus onincluding performance targets on social, environmental, and financial objectives. While helpingthe air …show more content…
2I really like the fact that they really care about the environment andwant to make a different in the world. Creating the world where people can free from respiratoryproblem, a healthier environment for our generation. I really values that as a candidate. Also,what are the company I will be working future plan. I feel like everywhere you work, if thecompany you’re working for have a direct plan for the near future and a clear vision what theywant to accomplish then I would want to be a part of that. I want to bring in my ideas andstrategy on how we can do better for a brighter future of the company.4) For building a company like Envirofit. I would definitely look at company that isenvironmental friendly, or company that actually in the similar ideas of improve on humancondition. I would also, be looking for investors that maybe have interest in help theenvironment to be more green for the next future. Maybe fund from the government from eachcountries, this will maybe have a huge impacts on them as well. The more your countries is lesspolluted, the more visitor you will have. That will initially bring in more revenue for thecountries and the exposure of a greener cities will attract people and developer across the globe.There are no harm for the government to invest